© Moon Brook Hill
Technical Areas
Multiple platform expertise
Science can amuse
and fascinate us all, but
it is engineering that
changes the world.
Isaac Asimov
For a successful
technology, reality must
take precedence over
public relations, for
Nature cannot be
Richard Feynman
IBM 30XX, IBM 92XX, Sun, IBM and Apple PC's, Tandem
Model 204, IDMS, DB2, Sybase, CICS, CSP, DBASE
SQL, Model 204 User Language, COBOL, HTML, PostScript, REXX, Assembler,
BASIC, Visual BASIC, C, FORTRAN, Pascal, PL/1, Exec II, RPG II
Project Tools
Microsoft Project, Timeline
CASE Tools
Application Development Workbench (ADW), KnowledgewareExcelerator, Index
Technology; Information Engineering Workbench (IEW), Knowledgeware
Yourdon, Spectrum
Mainframe Software
TSO, z/OS, Ezyedit, SAS, IDCAMS, Dyl280, Easytrieve, JCL, VSAM, VM/CMS, VSE,
Librarian, Panvalet, Telon, POWER, etc.
PC Software
Web Designer, PDFill, Excel, FrontPage, Word, PowerPoint, Quikbooks, UNIX,
VISIO, WordPerfect, Approach, Lotus Notes
Desktop Publishing
Adobe PageMaker, ACDSee, MS Publisher, Adobe Illustrator
Industry Awards and Conference Speaker Selections
Speaker, Government & Technology Conference (GTC East), November 2001; New
York State Interdepartmental Conference on Electronic Data Processing (ICEDP),
June 1996; International Model 204 Users Conference, May 1994, May 1993;
Northeast Model 204 Users Conference, October 2001, April 1995, April 1994, April
1993, April 1992, March 1990; Mid-Atlantic Model 204 Users Conference, October
1994; Northwest Model 204 Users Conference, November 1992. Regular participant
in expert panel sessions.
Winner, 1992 Richard Award, the annual award conferred by the International Model
204 Users Group for the Most Noteworthy and Innovative Achievement.
Past vice president, International Model 204 and MarketPulse Users Group
(IMPACT). Board Member, Northeast Model 204 Users Group.
Technical Papers Presented at Conferences [partial]
Measure up or stay LOCked in the past: The business of Function Points
MQ/Series: A Serious Product
Look Before You Leap: The Concealed Costs of Downsizing
[link to 'Concealed Costs’ paper (pdf)]
The True Costs of Client/Server Systems
Using Databases Effectively
Extending the Timeline
Streamlining the Systems Development Cycle
CASE Tools On Trial
Effective OnLine Help Systems